It’s time for the #SweetestSpring


The latest launch from the Crafty Witches Cauldron

The Sweetest Spring collection launches this Sunday the 2nd April on Hobbymaker TV between 6 & 8pm with our very own Hubble Bubble Witch; Hels Sheridan

Along with the main kit, the show will also feature the Elemental Nesting SVG Cutting Files Vol II, the There For Me kit, as well as the ever popular Paper Potions Toppers Vol III

PLUS as a Hobbymaker Exclusive, when you buy the main item, the Sweetest Spring, you will automatically get the Sweetest Spring Toppers download completely free!!!!

Want a sneaky peek at the Crafty Witches Creative Team samples for the show?

Head on over to our Pintrest boards to grab a first look at the brand new kit!

The Crafty WitchesSweetest SpringFollow On
The Crafty WitchesSVG Cutting FilesFollow On
The Crafty WitchesThere For MeFollow On
The Crafty WitchesPaper Potions - Toppers Vol IIIFollow On

#wearethecraftywitches #LetsCreateMagicTogether


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