Hels going LIVE on Facebook

Come one come all, come and join Hubble Bubble Witch as she goes LIVE in the Coven of Crafty Witches on Facebook

Hels Sheridan is holding a livestream craft-a-long in Creative Friends on Facebook on Saturday the 29th on April at 2pm BST. She’ll be interacting with the commenters on the feed and answering any of your Crafty questions as she crafts. Go on grab a coffee, the obligatory biccy, (or cake if you want to be posh!). You just know #itsgoingtobemagic

Want to craft along?

Hey, you can be crafting along with Hels by downloading this fabulous new kit. Just pop on over to the website

#wearethecraftywitches #fizzingwithexcitements #theressomethingbrewing #LetsCreateMagicTogether


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