Pollyanna Pickering Snowy Days launches TODAY



HobbyMaker exclusive Buy The Bundle Offer (available today from HobbyMaker - includes everything on the show - Only £19.99 - save £9.97)
Pollyanna Pickering Snowy Days Digital Collection
(available today from HobbyMaker)
Pollyanna Pickering Snowy Days Digital Collection
(Husky Puppies contents shown above)
Join Lynda Chapman and Anna-Louise Pickering today at 4pm - 6pm on HobbyMaker...

We are incredibly excited to be bringing you a brand new digital crafting collection and a trio of digital kits that are sure to delight...

Our Snowy Days Digital Collection is packed full of crafting possibilities. With ten specially selected pieces of artwork (Arctic Wolves, Bobcat, Eagle-Owl, Emperor Chicks, Giant Panda, Husky Puppies, Polar Bears, Snow Leopard, Snow Leopard With Cub and Tiger), featured across 700 design sheets - you are sure to be enchanted! Available both on HobbyMaker for £14.99 and on our website, (Coven Club Members price - £11.99). 

Also available on the show, we have a trio of smaller kits. Cheetah Family Kit, The Jaguar Kit and Watching Kit, each include 30 x A4 design sheets and are available on HobbyMaker for £4.99 each. The kits are also available on our website for £4.99 each (Coven Club Members price - £3.99).

*DON'T MISS THE HOBBYMAKER BUY THE BUNDLE OFFER* Get your crafty hands on everything on the show for an amazing £19.99, in the HobbyMaker exclusive bundle. A brilliant saving of £9.97!!!

On the show at 4pm, Lynda will be joined by Anna-Louise Pickering, Pollyanna's daughter who accompanied her on many of her global trips. What a treat the show is sure to be - the Crafty Witches team are bubbling over (to say the very least) with anticipation! Be sure to join us...

Witchy hugs, Hubble Bubble, Toil & Trouble!!!
Pollyanna Pickering The Jaguar Kit, Watching Kit and Cheetah Family Kit (available today on HobbyMaker)
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